Misekai BLOG





























English below:


Good morning, this is Inagawa from Misekai.

I am sure that many Japanese university students who want to intern or study abroad for a long period of time have considered when they should be leave of absense.

Some universities have partner schools abroad, so you might be able to study abroad without taking a leave of absence, but for internships, you will almost always have to choose to take a leave of absence.


The question then becomes, “When should I take a leave of absence?” Of course, there is no single correct answer to this question.

As it turns out, I took a year off at the end of my sophomore year of college.

Therefore, when I returned from Bangladesh, it would be at the beginning of my 3rd year.


The advantage of this is that I am very “easy to make actions”.

Since I had not yet started job hunting, and it was not the time for seminars or graduation theses, I was able to put all my energy into my activities and study abroad.


Another advantage is that I have much of time after returning to school.

Since I am in my third year after returning to school, my seminar affiliation and graduation thesis will begin in earnest from there. Therefore, there is still plenty of time left to work on the findings and questions that I have got through my one-year experience. This was very significant for me.


On the other hand, one of the difficulties is “insufficient experiences”.

Depending on how you spend the first two years of school, I still think it makes a big difference if you don’t have some awareness of the issues, ideas, and interests. Of course, it is good to try and find something by taking action, but I feel that there are things and entities that you “through a spark of recognition” with that.


However, spending too much time trying to accumulate knowledge can also be a factor that prevents you from taking the plunge, so it may be necessary to find a balance between the two and to ask yourself where you are now.


Many Miekai members have experience studying abroad or interning abroad, so we can help you with specific concerns such as these!