Misekai BLOG





















◆◆ English Below ◆◆

We are living in nature.


Good morning. This is Nozomi Inagawa from Misekai.

In Bangladesh, I often visited rural villages.


Then, life is seemingly “inconvenient.” For example, the power goes out for a long time, the signal is difficult to get, and the condition of the roads deteriorates when it rains.


But there are also “pleasant” things. The roadside sells fresh and giant vegetables. If the power goes out, you can see the star-filled sky. Fireflies light up the darkness of the night because the land is not well maintained.


When I am in such a place, I feel how we live in nature again. We cannot go against nature’s choices. If it rains, we will have to give up. Sometimes I thought it was unnatural to try to do something beyond the barriers of nature.

But only some of this is sustainable for people because of the inconvenience. That, too, was wisdom in Bangladesh.


One day, the power went out for a long time in the evening, and before I knew it, it was pitch black. I could no longer read, work, or eat and I couldn’t see anything. Then, a “throat singing contest” started. It was just singing their favorite songs, but people listened to them and got excited.


For some reason, this is the kind of scene I remember when I come back to Japan.

It was an experience that made me think that living in nature and having a mind to enjoy it may be the first step toward sustainability.


And there is a reason I dared to put “rural” in the title this time. On the contrary, the Bangladeshi people I met in the “cities” gave me another hint about sustainability. I hope to write about that as well.